Pygmalion is a story that tells the tale of an author named George Bernard Shaw’s most famous...
Simone Reed
“A Bad Case of Stripes” is a children’s book written and illustrated by David Shannon. It tells...
The ant and the grasshopper is a fairy tale that dates back to French folktales in the...
The moral of the story is that even though you might be on different sides, there’s always...
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the best-selling novels ever published and is recognized as an...
“Invictus” is a poem written by William Ernest Henley in 1875. It was later set to music...
Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a story about love, women’s rights, and class. It illustrates that society...
The story of The Gift of the Magi is about a young married couple, George and Della....
The moral of Momotaro is that people should always be kind to animals, and not just because...
“The meter of Sonnet 30 by Edmund Spenser is a sonnet written in iambic pentameter.” Sonnet 30...