As we all know pixel show is the premier way to share your images and talk with friends about them. One of the questions I often get asked is what exactly does pixel show do and how it works. So I’m going to tell you.
We all know that when you upload an image to pixel show, your friends can leave comments on it. This is the only function of pixel show that has been around since its inception (or should I say beta). Yet many users still don’t seem to realize what actually happens when they upload an image. Every time someone uploads a picture it is assigned a unique number, which is the image’s “pixel id.” The pixel id can never be changed. When someone leaves a comment on an image this comment is listed with the commenter’s name and the ID of the image that they are commenting on. People who visit your profile page will be able to see all of the images that you have uploaded along with the comments left on them by your friends.
Pixel show battery percentage
Pixel show is actually a passive aggressive app that simply sits silently in the background of your phone and listens to all of your conversations. When you mention an image by using its pixel id, pixel show connects to the internet and pulls up that image and shows it to everyone within range with a display comparable to the size of the actual image. There is no per pixel download fee, and the images are not stored locally on your device because pixel show doesn’t see you as a user to make money off of. Instead it simply has an arrangement with us to show our pictures practically anywhere we go.
Pixel show is a new way to watch TV
Have you ever watched TV and felt like it was missing something? The pixel show has come to take the place of television by turning every image we upload into a moving picture. Do you realize that since images can now move, our selfies are no longer just pictures but short little videos that we’ve recorded over and over again at different angles? Pixel show has also created a new way to communicate with your friends. Now instead of sending them a selfie video message you simply add another image to the one that you have already uploaded and scroll back and forth through it. You can even carry on entire conversations with your friends this way without anyone being suspicious that you’re actually messaging them.
You can watch live television or video on demand with pixel show
If you find yourself wanting to watch a specific program and don’t want to waste your time sifting through all of the images on pixel show, simply tap the search icon and type in whatever it is that you want to see. Pixel show will automatically connect with your internet provider or mobile data network and pull up any images that contain those key words. This works just like Google but instead of only pulling up web pages it pulls up pictures that your friends have uploaded and also videos that you can watch when you tap on them.
Pixel show is always listening
You’ve probably seen the news reports warning about how a new virus has been found in a popular voice control app that listens to you all day and sends what it hears back to a government computer farm so they can monitor your conversations. Well, we’ve found the opposite problem. If your microphone is on and you say anything about an image that has been uploaded by one of your friends, pixel show will immediately connect to the internet and pull up that picture for everyone within earshot to see. This is why it’s probably not a good idea to talk about pixel show in public, if you do then anyone who happens to be listening just might pull up your images and watch them all day long.
If you have a smartphone, pixel show is basically a required app because it’s the only way to be able to share images with your friends over great distances. If you don’t have a smartphone then this might not sound so great to you since all of your pictures are going to be taken by someone else and won’t really belong to you anymore, but it’s probably time that you get with the times.