Many games in Roblox have pre-defined game controls. However, some players may feel these controls do not suit their preferences. This article is to give you tips on how you can customize your game control with Lua Scripting in Roblox Studio. You will be able to change anything from the speed of your character’s movement to the speed of the camera panning.
how to change controls on roblox mobile
The methods to customizing Roblox game controls are as follows: Run a test version of Roblox Player. From the Explorer, choose StarterPlayer. Navigate to Properties and Scroll down to Controls > DevComputerMovementMode. Controls may be changed as desired.
methods and event hooks
The two main methods we will be looking for are: InputService/InputEnabled and Camera/CameraMode. Let us start with input first: You can find all input-related functions in this Lua file . In order to check whether or not a player is using gamepad, check if the “InputEnabled” function of the input service returns true. You can then use an event hook to detect when a player changes their gamepad’s analog stick or d-pad.
The Lua file also has functions on how you can change your character’s movement speed. If you want to change the speed of the camera panning, you can change this value.
Now that we have looked at how to read player input and what values we can change, let’s see if we can make things happen with game controls by using Lua events. First, you will need to create a custom game object (in Roblox Studio, right click and select New > Other…). Select a Scripting game object. Name your new object whatever you want.
In the script, add the following function:
When this function is called, it will run every time a player changes their input values. This means that by reading player input without setting them to variables, we can change other things. For example, have you ever heard of the slippery floor exploit? If your game control script changes the value of your player’s speed without setting it to a variable, then other players can take advantage of this by changing their input until they get maximum speed. It is best to set variables for every input before changing them.
So what are all the input values that we can change? This is a list of all the inputs you can check:
left_analog_x : The X value of the left analog stick. left_analog_y : The Y value of the left analog stick. right_analog_x : The X value of the right analog stick. right_analog_y : The Y value of the right analog stick.
left_shoulder : The left shoulder button, which may be L1 on Playstation controllers. left_trigger : The left trigger, which may be L2 on Playstation controllers. right_shoulder : The right shoulder button, which may be R1 on Playstation controllers. right_trigger : The right trigger, which may be R2 on Playstation controllers. left_stick_x : The X value of the left analog stick. left_stick_y : The Y value of the left analog stick.
right_stick_x : The X value of the right analog stick.
right_stick_y : The Y value of the right analog stick.
x_button : The X button, which may be X on Playstation controllers. y_button : The Y button, which may be Circle on Playstation controllers. left_bumper : The left bumper, which may be Square on Playstation controllers. right_bumper : The right bumper, which may be Circle on Playstation controllers.
start_button : The start button, which may be Start on Playstation controllers. select_button : The select button, which may be Select on Playstation controllers. left_trigger_pulled : True if the left trigger is pulled to a significant degree (not pressed or released). right_trigger_pulled : True if the right trigger is pulled to a significant degree (not pressed or released). left_analog_stick_x_value : The X value of the left analog stick.
This tutorial has shown you the basics of Lua scripting for game controls in Roblox Studio. If you have not already, I recommend that you subscribe to Scripts and Scripters , a YouTube channel that teaches scripting for games.