Huck Finn is a character in the American novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain....
In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem Finch is killed by his father for stealing two...
What is the fate of Odysseus after he dies? How does he find his way to the...
The trial of George Zimmerman has revealed a number of interesting revelations about the jury's behavior. One...
Khushwant Singh, a well-known Indian novelist and short story writer was born on the 15th of September...
When his first novel, Saidu’s Story, became a bestseller and made him an overnight celebrity in Nigeria...
Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer’s Odyssey is known for his cunning and skill. When Odysseus washes up...
In the novel, Jonas experiences a series of premonitions that lead him to believe he has been...
Plutarch is a historian and biographer who lived in the first century A.D., while Frankenstein was published...
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most famous works by Harper Lee, and tells the...