Hello everyone, thank you for checking out my article! This is a proposal to add an additional audio option in the settings that would allow us to disable the ever-annoying sounds that play when events happen.
This mainly includes when someone joins your squad, when they pick up loot after you’ve searched a chest and when they damage you. In my opinion, this would be a great addition to the game as it will allow for a much more comfortable gameplay experience and less stress on your ears.
how to mute in fortnite .
This is how it works in Overwatch, which I’m sure most of you are familiar with. There’s an audio option to reduce the volume of voice lines, which is great for when your teammates are speaking over each other or you simply want to focus on grinding through a game without distractions. Unfortunately, this feature isn’t available in Fortnite at the moment, and it would be really nice to see that change in an upcoming patch.
What is Fortnite audio setting and why is it important for gaming
The sounds that play when someone is joining your squad or picking up loot after you searched a container certainly aren’t gamebreaking but they can be pretty annoying. The sounds in Fortnite are very load and will most likely overpower anything else happening at the moment, especially if there’s background noise such as gunshots and building.
This issue becomes even worse when you’re playing with a group of friends and everybody is talking over one another, which can be rather difficult to follow. The only way around this for now would be to use the push-to-talk system that most communication programs have, or just mute everyone in the squad and communicate using text instead.
How to change the audio settings on your device
I think it would be awesome if there was at least an option to reduce the volume of these sound events, similar to how you can do in Overwatch. If this cannot be implemented, then I’d like for at least the audio setting menu to get an update that shows text-formatted voice lines for when people are joining/leaving your squad or picking up loot from a container after you search it.
The different types of sound you can choose from in Fortnite
I don’t think it’s too much to ask if Epic Games just added a text-to-voice option for these sound events, as I’m sure many other people would appreciate this change as well. My suggestion is to either add a new text button next to the existing one or have them both at the top of the screen every time somebody joins or leaves your squad – whichever works best for the interface.
How to adjust the game’s music, voice chat, and sound effects
The music in the game is fine overall, but I’d really like to have an option to turn off certain tracks. Some are very repetitive and annoying so it would be nice if people could just mute them individually. This might also help with the issue where your teammates are talking over each other because they can focus on what they’re saying without being distracted by the music in the background.
“Fortnite Audio Setting” is popular right now.
As for the sound effects, there really isn’t that much to complain about here. I’m mainly talking about player footstep sounds and gunshot/building/opening/closing sounds – they’re all fine but it would be nice to have some variation. This can be achieved by adding different styles of footsteps or sounds for when you run, jump, reload your weapon etc.
Overall, I think it would be nice if Epic Games added the audio settings I suggested in this article to Fortnite soon. It’s so annoying when everyone is talking over one another during a game, but hopefully they can fix this by adding some of these settings or making them more clear.