A juxtaposition is a figure of speech in which two words are placed near each other for the purpose that one word contrasts with and/or contradicts the meaning of another.
“Juxtaposition” is a figure of speech in which two seemingly unconnected ideas are juxtaposed. The word “juxtapose” means to place side by side or opposite one another. It can also mean to bring into contrast.
Definition of Juxtaposition
Juxtaposition is a literary method in which two or more ideas, locations, people, and their activities are juxtaposed in a story or poem in order to establish contrasts and analogies.
What is an example of a juxtaposition in this context?
When two objects are put side by side for comparison, juxtaposition occurs, highlighting the difference between the components. The yin-yang sign is the most basic example.
How do you employ juxtaposition in a sentence, for example? Examples of Conjunction Sentences
- Nothing new is created or can be created; the only change that can take place is a shift in the juxtaposition of elements.
- The theatres, of which there were two, were the most prominent, being situated in close proximity to one another, as was customary in Greek cities.
Furthermore, what does the term “Justapose” mean?
Contrast is defined as the act of putting two things together in a to put (different items) side by side is a verb that is transitive (as to compare them or contrast them or to create an interesting effect) combine surprising color, shape, and concept pairings — Bugental, J. F. T.
What is the origin of the term juxtaposition?
Etymology. From Latin iuxt (“near”) (from Latin iung (“to join”) + French position (“position”) (from Latin pn (“to put”) + French juxtaposition.
Answers to Related Questions
Is there a contrast between bitter and sweet?
The phrase “bittersweet” is not an example of antithesis, but it is a fantastic oxymoron. An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposing concepts are combined for effect. As a result of the contradiction between the phrases “bitter” and “sweet,” their combination generates an oxymoron.
What does the antonym of juxtaposition look like?
It’s possible to segment, uncouple, disjoin, or simply distinguish. (Resemblance, likeness, correspondence, or congruence are the opposites of juxtaposition if the main meaning is difference.)
What is the significance of juxtaposition?
Conjunction is a literary strategy that allows authors to depict their characters in great detail, build tension, and accomplish a rhetorical impact. It is a human trait to be able to understand anything by comparing it to something else. In this situation, juxtaposition aids in the formation of personalities.
What is an example of an aphorism?
Without the flowery wording of a proverb, an aphorism is a short saying or phrase that communicates an opinion or makes a statement of wisdom. “A bad penny always comes up,” for example, is an adage that refers to the notion that terrible people or things will always appear in life. We just have to deal with things when they arise.
Is juxtaposition a rhetorical device?
Oxymoron and Juxtaposition
An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two seemingly opposing concepts or ideas are combined to show a deeper reality. To put it another way, an oxymoron employs the juxtaposition of its two words to suggest something more profound than each word could express on its own.
What does a dichotomy look like?
In a sentence, use the word dichotomy. noun A dichotomy is a severe split of something or a concept into two opposing components. The distinction between animals that live on land and those that dwell in water is an example of dichotomy. Definition and use example from YourDictionary.
What is an oxymoron and what are some examples?
An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two opposing concepts to generate a humorous effect. The popular oxymoron phrase is “painful kindness” or “living death,” which is a combination of an adjective and a noun having opposing meanings. The opposing words/phrases, on the other hand, are not necessarily cemented together.
What’s the difference between an oxymoron and a juxtaposition?
The phrase juxtaposition refers to the simultaneous inspection of two objects that are placed close together (and contrasting effect). Oxymorons are created by putting two words together that have opposing meanings and would typically contradict one other. The jumbo shrimp was a good illustration of this.
What does juxtaposition look like in practice?
People, places, objects, and ideas may all be juxtaposed by authors. Juxtaposition examples include: In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare juxtaposes light and dark, which parallels the two young, innocent lovers with the gloom of their destiny and their families’ hatred: “O, she is the one who makes the torches burn bright!”
How do you utilize the verb juxtapose?
To juxtaposition two pictures, thoughts, or ideas is to place them next to one other in order to better understand their connection or to create a powerful emotional impact. “Juxtapose” is a verb that is transitive, which means it accepts a direct object as its subject.
What is the juxtaposed component of speech?
portion of a sentence: | verb that is transitive |
inflections: | juxtapositions, juxtapositions, juxtapositions, juxtapositions, juxtapositions, juxtapositions, juxtapositions |
definition: | to put together for the purpose of comparison or contrast on a side-by-side basis She compared the two photos to see which one would work best in the newspaper. terms that are similar: compare |
Is there a term for juxtaposingly?
juxtaposition. The term juxtaposed is derived from the Latin word juxta, which means “next,” and the French word poser, which means “to put.” When two things are juxtaposed, they are put next to one other or side by side in order to compare them. It does not have to be simply items.
What does the term “junkster” mean?
a comparison or contrast act or event of putting things close together or side by side. the condition of being side by side or near together.
How does juxtaposition work?
The objective of juxtaposition two directly or indirectly related items near together in literature is to draw attention to and compare their differences. This literary trick is often employed to flesh out a character, add tension, or create a rhetorical impact.
What methods do you use to recognize imagery?
The five senses, namely taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound, are all used in imagery. Imaging may also include specifics about movement or a feeling of a moving body (kinesthetic imagery), as well as a person’s emotions or experiences, such as fear or hunger (organic imagery or subjective imagery).
Is jumbo shrimp a strange pairing?
Shrimp are small by definition, which is why we call wimpy people “shrimp.” Jumbo, on the other hand, denotes anything that is very enormous. The term “big shrimp” is an oxymoron in the best sense of the word.
Is juxtaposition a cinematic device?
Hollywood Lexicon: Juxtaposition and Montage in Film Editing Definitions: Juxtaposition is a film editing method that involves merging two or more shots to convey a concept or mood. The majority of the action was captured as if it were a play or a sports event.
The “juxtaposition meaning in hindi” is a word that means the placing of two or more things close together. The word is derived from the Latin words juxta (meaning near) and positionem (meaning place). It can also be used to mean an instance where two seemingly unrelated ideas are brought together.