There are a number of ways to find the median, but it can be done using only...
Simone Reed
A poem by George Oppen. It presents a conversation between two people, one of whom is the...
In “The Hollow Men,” Eliot explores the futility of existence and humanity’s perpetual search for meaning. The...
Viva La Raza is an expression that means “long live the race” in Spanish. It was a...
I too was born with a hunger in my soul and an ache in my heart. I...
The poem is about the different paths that two people can take in life. One chooses to...
“Gone with the Wind” is a novel written by Margaret Mitchell in 1936. It was later released...
O Me, O Life! is a short story written by Dr. Seuss and released November 3, 1948...
The metaphor in a poison tree is an idiom for something that causes great harm or any...
In an interview with Goodreads, Ernest Hemingway said “The first draft of anything is shit.” It might...