The definition of plural pronouns is “more than one.” The singular pronoun, on the other hand, means...
Simone Reed
The prefix “auto” is a Greek word meaning self and originally referred to the unit of measure...
Meter is a system of rhythmic notation used in classical music based on the pulse cycles per...
“Beowulf” is a story of heroism, greed and strength. It begins with the hero Beowulf defeating Grendel’s...
Rising action is an important part of the story telling process. It shows a change in the...
What is the definition of functional text? Functional Text refers to any text that enables writers and...
The cryptex is a small-sized, secure and timekeeping device used to open sealed letters. It was popular...
The Christmas memory is something we all have. The misty feeling of family, the warm glow of...
An idiom is a phrase that has no literal meaning, but often refers to something. A metaphor...
The main idea is the central concept of a book or piece of literature, whereas the main...